Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Election.

Lately, the topic of the presidential election has been a popular subject for most people. So, I will share my thoughts on the election. Before I do, I want to clarify that it is not my intention to offend anyone. I am merely sharing my opinions in my personal blog. I generally steer away from touchy subjects, because I don't want to offend anyone. However, it is a topic that I have been wanting to write about.

Here goes nothing...

After Clinton gave his speech nominating Obama, Obama will more then likely win this election. Clinton is one of the most popular presidents of all time. His public speaking abilities are impeccable. If you have never seen any of his speeches, please watch them. He has such a great energy that makes you feel excited about everything that he speaks about. His persuasive techniques are so subtle that it's hard to notice that you are, in fact, being persuaded.

This is a great skill that ANY politician needs to have if he or she wants to succeed. Clinton kept the audience smiling at the edge of their seat. He knows how to lure the audience in and keep them there. He did a fantastic job of adding humor to the seriousness of the speech with jokes and anecdotes. Not only that, he complimented Obama in the best possible way.

By Clinton stating that no other president in the history of America, including himself, could do what Obama has done, Clinton gave Obama the biggest compliment possible. With him saying this, Clinton is basically telling all of his fans that Obama is a better president than he was. This was a major moment in his speech that helped Obama tremendously.

Clinton used his speech to point out all of Obama's accomplishments to remind the audience that Obama is a great leader. Whether you are Democrat or Republican, it would be extremely ignorant to suggest that Obama does not stand a chance.

Clinton and Obama are exceptional speakers and are said to be some of the greatest speakers of all time. I do not have a single doubt in my mind. If you would have asked me before the Clinton speech, I would tell you that it would be a close election, but now that Clinton has wooed the vast majority of the population, I strongly believe that Obama will be re-elected to another term.

What did you think of the Clinton and/or Obama speech? -Please no disrespectful comments. :)

1 comment:

  1. If the election were decided by conventional speeches alone, I would say you're absolutely right. But unfortunately, as I keep learning lately, things are never quite as simple as that.

    Of all the speeches that I took in snippets of while the conventions were going on, the only one that really held my attention past the first few moments was Clinton's. He was looking younger and healthier than when he was in office, and he really did come across as someone who had owned up to the things that one owns up to as they humble themselves.

    I think that all things considered, it's really hard to count out either side just yet.

    That's not to say the challenging party doesn't have their work cut out for them. They have to go in with a crew that people seem to identify with less than republicans would like as exhibited by the party's "Joe the Plumber" approach to the Republican Nat'l Convention, something that came across as a bit of an overcompensation.

    There's also this - albiet conveniently - leaked statement that Romney apparently made at a fundraiser, calling 47 percent of Americans unswayable because of their uber-dependent natures (in my own words, not his, which may lead to some amount of misinterpretation).

    That number, 47 percent is kind of interesting, though.

    Remember when Obama said, after winning the election in 2008, that he would be the President of the 47 percent of Americans that voted for McCain as well?

    Wouldn't that be interesting if 47 percent of Americans were unswayingly democrat and another 47 percent were unswayingly republican, and that the small, 6 percent remainder were really the only people who made any difference at all? No matter what happened, only their moods and desires could really change anything at all?

    That would be weird, right?

    And if it were true, then speeches like Clinton's could really be the deciding factor in the upcoming election.

    In that case, you'd be right.
