Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The One-Month Anniversary.

"It doesn't matter how you plan it, it doesn't matter how you envision it... Without even knowing it, life sometimes has a way of finding you with exactly what you need or exactly who you need." -Quinn, One Tree Hill, Show Finale.

Today marks my one-month anniversary of living in New York. Wow. It seems like yesterday I was dreaming about moving here and now here I am going to school everyday, working, and making new friends. I realized how busy I was today when I was managing my calendar on my iPad. I realized that I have a calendar called "Social." Yes, that's right. When I make plans with someone, I make sure to put it in my calendar. Keeping a schedule is crucial for me to stay on track. But, I never knew that it could be so intense after only living here for one month, woah. 

Tomorrow will be a nice and relaxing day. My aunt and uncle will be in New York. I even got off of babysitting to spend the evening with them for my uncle's birthday. Happy birthday, Mr. Wonderful! ;)

I wanted to take a little moment to thank not my family or my friend's back in Tennessee, but my new friends that I have made here. There are so many of you that are beyond caring and I am so lucky to have you guys in my life. You know who you are. You're the one's that text me just to say hey, you are the one's that are there for me when I'm feeling homesick, and you are the one's that are always great to talk to. I would so love to name you all out, but I don't want to leave someone out, because that is bound to happen. 

You all have made me feel welcome in this big city. ;) Speaking of feeling welcome, I want to say how excited I am to be apart of The Ticker. I may have already mentioned this, but I can't help but mention it again. It already feels like my home within Baruch. Everyone there is so welcoming and have awesome personalities. It's going to be a great year with them. 

I am so happy that I have made it one month here and look forward to the many more months here. 
In the future, my blog with The Ticker will be posted on their website. As of today, it hasn't been uploaded yet, but in the meantime, check out all the great articles that the Ticker offers. :)

Thank you for reading!
Until the weekend...


  1. I just want to let you know that I read every single one of your blogs. I enjoy them & learning about your experience in New York :)

    1. Aww! Thank you do much, Amber! Oh by the way, congratulations!! :)


  3. Rebeccah, what an amazing experience. I'm so glad that you are getting things figured out there in New York. Wow. I would be so lost. haha
