Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Strange People.

Well, hellloooo there.
Okay, so I know I am getting to this very late, but hey.. I'm in college now. Starting tomorrow, I will only post a few times a week. It all depends on course load and my schedule. This week I will be babysitting for four hours almost every day after classes, so my time will be limited.

I realized that I may be getting almost too accustomed to New York as I spent nearly my ENTIRE weekend in my room. The only reason that I left today was to go to Panera with my friend and do homework. But hey! I finished my homework and now I'm winding down with this blog entry.

I want to speak a little about how strange some of the people in New York are. Granted, there are millions of people in this city, so there are bound to be some strange people out there. I haven't had many "scary" moments occur, but there have been a lot of weird outfits that I just don't understand.

For example, there is this homeless man that dresses as an indian, but his outfit is made out of newspapers and plastic bags. It's quite interesting. If you are curious where you can find him, he is often roaming around Union Square. He's.. a character.

Today, I saw this woman with a comb in her hair attached to her pony tail? It was definitely different. But, to make things even more humorous, a woman standing in front of her had a utility belt for "looks" placed over her very cute purple dress.. I have never been more confused in my life.

I think it's great that they can freely express themselves, but when do people get to that point where they think wearing a utility belt is cute? I wish that I could ask them without offending them, but instead I just look at the back of my eye lids and wait patiently until I reach my stop.

You can never be bored in New York, even though you can certainly get "used" to it. But, I can assure you.. things that I see here would NEVER be seen in Nashville. I can't even think of a super crazy outfit that I have seen in Nashville. It's not something that you would really think about until you... do.

Nonetheless, New York, even on the dullest of days, is quite interesting. I hope that I don't get accustomed to seeing these, err, interesting things, because I want to be able to share them with you lovely people. How can I share them if I don't find them strange anymore?

Well, now that I have rambled on enough.. I hope every one has had a fantastic weekend and an even better Monday!! Haha, rriiighhhttt. But seriously, have a wonderful night!

Until next time. <3


  1. There's this blog called Humans of New York (HONY) that takes photos of interesting people just like the ones you're mentioning!

    I like to see if I can recognize any of 'em ; )

    1. I ALMOST mentioned HONY. I meant to, but I got distracted.. Hahah!
      Well, now anyone that reads the comments will see your comment about HONY and will check it out ..thanks to you!

      Goooo, Caroline!
